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Jul 20, 2020
knowing your crowd
there’s nothing quite like the feeling that a brand really gets you. it answers your questions before you can ask them. it provides...

Jul 6, 2020
I recently had a birthday (hurray!). it was a wonderful day, filled with nature and scrumptious food, but it also lead to a redefining...

Jun 23, 2020
the business see-saw
consistency. preaching what we deliver; delivering what we preach. growth. allowing our curiosity to open us up to new opportunities....

Jun 16, 2020
when the stakes feel too high
sometimes, the stakes are high. sometimes it is a matter of right or wrong, of justice or injustice, of life or death. and in those...

Jun 9, 2020
the good ole days
i dare you. next time you go to the coffee shop, or a park, or your even your office, don’t boot up your device. don’t open up an app to...

May 12, 2020
releasing the pressure
nothing quite knocks the wind out of writing like being stifled by obligation. perhaps you have a lot of time on your hands, or it’s been...

Apr 28, 2020
what fires you up?
what fires you up? what revs your engine? what gets you excited? what makes you want to try again? what makes you want to try harder?...

Apr 14, 2020
socrates ftw
“know thyself” is age-old wisdom from socrates that rings true today. while it’s exceptionally important for the individual, businesses...

Mar 17, 2020
don't let fear win
pandemic [adj] : (of a disease) prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or the whole world; epidemic over a large area. by...

Mar 10, 2020
when you gotta earn it
sure, you generally write sitting down. using your fingers to tap away on a keyboard isn’t exactly labor intensive. and, nobody ever...

Mar 4, 2020
semicolon: how and why
if you find yourself on this website, it’s likely you’ll run into a semicolon. the semicolon is the best friend you never knew you...

Feb 21, 2020
the case for depth
when i was a teenager, i took pride in my ability to multi-task. i could watch tv, do my homework, and eat at the same time. today, that...

Oct 22, 2019
from the back of a motorcycle
this past weekend, i found myself riding on the back of a motorcycle, on the highway, for an hour. in. the. freezing. cold. rain. i was...

Oct 10, 2019
you can be creative.
when the task “write blogs” appeared on my to-do list, i panicked. for business-minded people, being creative is scary, but there are...

Oct 7, 2019
it will make all the difference
this week i miss-spelled the word ‘photography’ in an important document going out to a client. while I seem to have made a few similar...

Oct 7, 2019
showstopping, show-stopping, or show stopping
we spelled showstopping. someone else thought it was show stopping. confirmed it as show-stopping. it’s a word that feels...

Sep 27, 2019
quote we loved this week
we think you need to read this. and, even more importantly, know it because it’s t-r-u-e. “i am so overwhelmed, and i am so overjoyed to...

Sep 26, 2019
agreeable grey
brent with propellant media popped into the shop the other day to borrow scissors, and while backing out of the office holding the...

Sep 26, 2019
don't overfeed the fish.
when crawford was receiving the feeding instructions for toth shop’s new pet, the petco guy said it simply - don’t overfeed him; he just...
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